“What do you do?”

When you meet new people (or even run into old acquaintances) they always seem to want to know what it is you DO. Society is obsessed with our careers, our work, our jobs, as if it defines us in some way.

As someone who does a little bit of copywriting, a bit of online marketing, some event logistics and cat herding, occasional styling and scenic work and whatever comes my way and seems interesting… I dread that question.

So, to try and find an answer to this dilemma I am starting a weekly “this week in the life of Helena” photo post… and I will take the first one back a little bit.

Saturday 6 September

some front of house / bar management in between good food, great wine and fabulous company at Adi’s mom’s 70th lunch on Kalmoesfontein. 


Monday 8 September



Tuesday 9 September

crossroads, robberies, job reviews and infighting leads to whiskey before, during and after an AfrikaBurn Operations meeting… The ego is a dangerous thing…


Wednesday 10 September

A shift of wine education behind the bar at Publik.


Thursday 11 September

Scribbles and scribe… practicing for sign writing (and quoting Tom Robbins to myself. After I finish a book I like to write down some significant thoughts from it)

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Friday 12 September

It was all (Lemon Chiffon 1) yellow as I painted signs for the upcoming Spier Secret Festival.

image_5 (2)Saturday 13 September

AfrikaBurn Special Members Meeting… look up!

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Sunday 14 September

AfrikaBurn DPW braai (and burn) as we start building our crew for 2015.image_1 (2)Monday 15 September

spent mostly sick in bed till I had to drag myself to Publik to serve people fine wine.

Tuesday 16 September

ended on a roof with a view over Cape Town harbour.

image (2)I realise very few of those look like actual work, but (pictures of computer screens and emails are boring and) isn’t that the beauty of freelance..?

Happy Wednesday, I am off to Gansbaai to see long lost friends. Mini break! I’ll post pictures of whales soon…

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