
This weekend we (very successfully) hosted our fifth Swartland Revolution

When I decided to quit my advertising job in 2010 in an attempt to find work, people, project and clients that inspire me and feed my soul, I had no idea how perfectly it would all work out. Being able to work with the world class winemakers, stylists and event planners who are all so incredibly passionate about this place where I was born and bred, is really the apex of my career every year.

To hear the feedback from people (from all over the world) that attended anything from their first to fifth revolution this weekend just confirms that the Swartland is alive with passion and creativity.

Every tasting inspired, every meal revived and every party excited. The launch of our Caperitif bar was a huge success, I still poured people all sorts of concoctions with whatever was still in stock, long after the bar had closed and the barmen had left…

My work is not yet done, I want to put together a proper social media report for the crew (even if I dont know if they ever read it) and write some post revolution posts // I want to write huge THANK YOUs to everyone involved and shout it to the world // There are some crazy Caperitif plans to take over the (cocktail) world // We need to find innovative ways to spend the incredibly generous auction money on the kids of our communities and we need to work out how many glasses got broken… Thanks Cope…

I am off to the Tankwa for some AfrikaBurn work on Wednesday, I look forward to switching off my phone and not tweeting a single thing anyone says… and to do some quiet reflection on what exactly happened here this weekend.

So, more on all of this soon!

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